Cladonia rangiferina

Cladonia rangiferina photo by Bob Klips

Cladonia rangiferina photo by Bob Klips

Cladonia rangiferina tips photo by Bob Klips

Cladonia rangiferina tips photo by Bob Klips 

Cladonia rangiferina

Cladonia rangiferina photo by Ray Showman

DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES: Abundantly branched, tangled cushions; main axes usually evident; cold gray-white color; ecorticate, webby surface; branchlets in whorls of three and four; atranorine; compare with C. subtenuis, mostly Y-branching; axils mostly closed, C. arbuscula greenish or yellowish gray, axils open, and C. furcata which is corticate, also none of these has atranorine.

ECOLOGY: General distribution is Appalachian-Boreal; rather common in southern counties of Ohio, on soil almost exclusively, often among mosses. A common component of the “lichen-ericad”  association at the top of sandstone cliffs in southeastern Ohio.