Field Key to Brilliant Yellow Foliose Lichens
1 Thallus some shade of yellow, K-; soredia at lobe tips …………………………………………………………. Candelaria concolor

Candelaria concolor
– Thallus with orange hues, K+ purple…………………………………………………………………… 2
2 Thallus with neither soredia nor isidia; apothecia conspicuous and abundant Rusavskia elegans, Xanthoria hasseana,and Xanthoria parietina

Rusavskia elegans
– Thallus sorediate; apothecia uncommon……………………………………………………………… 3
3 Soredia produced within marginal “bird nests” bordered by upper and lower cortices Xanthomendoza fallax

Xanthomendoza fallax
– Soredia produced at tips and lower margins of upturned lobes.. Xanthomendoza weberi

Xanthomendoza weberi

Xanthomendoza weberi