Cladonia subtenuis

Cladonia subtenuis

Cladonia subtenuis photo by Ray Showman

Cladonia subtenuis photo by Bob Klips

Cladonia subtenuis photo by Bob Klips

Cladonia subtenuis photo by Bob Klips

Cladonia subtenuis photo by Bob Klips

DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES: Abundantly branched forming cushions; slender podetia with main stalks not well-defined; ecorticate; predominantly Y-branching; compare with C. rangiferina which is gray-white, has open axils and is K+ yellow, with C. arbuscula with predominantky whorled branching, open axils, and K-, and with Cladonia furcata which is corticate and squamulose.

ECOLOGY: A southeastern US species; quite common in southern Ohio, more scattered in northeastern counties; on soil almost exclusively, rarely on decaying wood. Frequent on roadside banks, rights-of-way and sunny woods edges. This is the most common “reindeer lichen” in Ohio.