Summer Foray to Sawyer Quarry (Wood County)
June 15, 2019

OMLA group at Sawyer Quarry in Wood County.
We held our Summer Foray on June 15. It was a relatively cool, overcast day with temperature in the 60s and occasional rain showers.
Like the rest of northwest Ohio, Wood County was entirely covered with ice until the glacier receded from the area about 16,000 years ago. The area was then submerged by various stages of post-glacial lakes. Remnant beach ridges from these lakes formed sandy soils in some places.
There are a few scattered areas of dolostone and limestone rock outcrops in the county.
With mostly flat topography and rich soils of glacial origin, Wood County is primarily agricultural: 89% of its land is classified as prime farmland, defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as “land that has the best combination of physical and chemical characteristics for producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops and is available for these uses.” ites, both part of the Wood County Park District. We are very grateful to the district for allowing us to collect there. Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve, near Perrysburg, is a 57-acre site with an abandoned dry quarry and adjacent woodlands with numerous dolostone rock outcrops and loamy soil. We collected there in the morning and had lunch there.
In the afternoon, we went to Rudolph Savanna, south of Bowling Green. This is an 87-acre oak savanna with sandy soil.
Heavier rain showers somewhat hindered our collecting efforts there.
During the Foray we found 42 moss species with 18 new records for Wood County.
Liverworts were sparse with only 2 species collected. 29 species of lichens were recorded during the foray and of these, 8 were new county records.
Bryophytes of the 2019 Summer Foray in Wood County
* = New county record
Locations: SQ = Sawyer Quarry and RS = Rudolph Savanna
Amblystegium varium SQ, RS
Anomodon attenuatus SQ
A. rostratus SQ
Atrichum altecristatum RS
A. angustatum RS
Barbula unguiculata SQ
Brachythecium campestre* SQ
B. falcatum* SQ, RS
B. laetum SQ, RS
Bryum algovicum* SQ
B. lisae var. cuspidatum SQ
B. pseudotriquetrum* SQ
Callicladium haldanianum RS
Calliergonella lindbergii SQ
Campylium chrysophyllum SQ
Ceratodon purpureus SQ
Ditrichum pusillum* SQ
Encalypta procera* SQ
Entodon seductrix SQ, RS
Eurhynchium hians SQ, RS
Fissidens dubius* SQ
F. taxifolius* SQ, RS
Funaria hygrometrica SQ
Grimmia pilifera* SQ
Hymenostylium recurvirostrum* SQ
Hypnum cupressiforme* RS
Leptobryum pyriforme* SQ
Leskea gracilescens SQ, RS
Limprichtia cossonii* SQ
Orthotricum sordidum* SQ
O. pusillum* SQ
Plagiomnium cuspidatum SQ, RS
Plagiothecium denticulatum SQ
Platydictya confervoides SQ
Platygyrium repens SQ, RS
Rhynchostegium serrulatum RS
Rhodobryum ontariense SQ
Schistidium apocarpum* SQ
S. rivulare* SQ
Taxiphyllum deplanatum* SQ
Thuidium recognitum SQ
Tortella humilis SQ
Frullania eboracensis SQ
Lophocolea heterophylla SQ
Lichens of the 2019 Summer Foray in Wood County
* = New county record
Locations: SQ = Sawyer Quarry and RS = Rudolph Savanna.
Amandinea dakotensis SQ
A. punctata SQ
Bacidia granosa SQ
Bilimbia sabuletorum SQ
Candelaria concolor SQ, RS
Candelariella aurella SQ
C. vitellina SQ
Chrysothrix caesia SQ
Cladonia chlorophaea* SQ
C. coniocraea* SQ
C. pyxidata* SQ
Lecanora dispersa SQ
L. polytropa SQ
Lepraria sp. SQ
Myelochroa galbina* SQ
Parmelia sulcata SQ
Parmotrema hypotropum* RS
Peltigera canina SQ
P. polydactylon* SQ
Phaeophyscia adiastola* SQ
P. rubropulchra RS
Physcia americana SQ
P. millegrana RS
Porpidia albocaerulescens SQ
Punctelia rudecta SQ
Verrucaria nigrescens SQ
Xanthomendoza fallax SQ
X. ulophyllodes SQ
X. weberi* SQ