Summer Foray to Wayne County
June 9, 2018
The 2018 Summer Foray was held on June 9 at two locations in Wayne County in north-central Ohio. Wayne County is within the glaciated region of the state with primarily Mississippian shale and sandstone bedrock.

OMLA at Wayne County June 2018
Located in Shreve, Millbrook Fen is a rare fen of the fast-disappearing graminoid type that is characterized by grassy vegetation. It is part of 15 acres of land owned by the Western Reserve Land Conservancy. This land is notable as a Rare Ohio Biological Community, with a range of habitats including the fen as well as marshland, wetlands, a wet sedge meadow, woodland, stream channels, and the old Kister Mill built in 1816.

Kister Fen.

Janet and Kathy examine a moss in the fen.

The moss Calliergonella cuspidata is a pronounced calciphile.
Located in Wooster, Wooster Memorial Park is a 422-acre woodland park with hemlock groves and Rathburn Run Creek that cuts through sandstone cliffs. Prior to the foray, a total of 133 bryophytes (68 mosses and 65 lichens) were reported in Wayne County. Updated records will now include 7 new lichens and 14 new mosses collected in the county (designated by N in the tables below). One lichen, Melanelixia glabratula, is a new state record.

Calicium tigillare, formerly Cyphelium tigillare, is a stubble lichen that isn’t like stubble.
The apothecia are sessile, not elevated on stalks. This was seen on an old wooden fence.

Spotted phlox is a showy wildflower of the fen.
Lichens and related fungi recorded during the foray included: 28 macrolichens, 34 crustose lichens, 3 allied fungi and 1 lichenicolous fungus. Of the macrolichens, 6 were new for Wayne County and 1 was reported for the first time in Ohio. Melanelixia glabratula, new for Ohio, was collected by Tomás Curtis at Kister Mill.
Lichenized, Lichenicolous, and Allied Fungi of the 2018 Summer Foray in Wayne County, Ohio
* = new county record, ** = new state record, ❖ = “allied fungus”, ▲ = lichenicolous fungus
Amandinea polyspora
A. punctata
Amphisphaeria bufonia❖
Anisomeridium polypori
Arthonia apatetica
A. helvola
Bacidina delicata
Biatora printzenii
Calicium tigillare
Caloplaca microphyllina
Candelaria concolor
Candelariella aurella
C. efflorescens
Canoparmelia texana*
Chrysothrix caesia
Circinaria caesioncinerea
Cladonia coniocraea
C. cristatella
C. cylindrica
Crespoa crozalsiana
Dictyocatenulata alba
Evernia mesomorpha*
Flavoparmelia caperata
Flavoplaca citrina
Flavopunctelia soredica
Graphis scripta
Hyperphyscia adglutinata
Lecania croatica
Lecanora layana
L. saligna
L. strobilina
L. symmicta
L. thysanophora
L. sp. (undescribed)
Lecidea varians
Lepraria caesiella
L. finkii
L. hodkinsoniana
Marchandiomyces corallinus▲
Melanelixia glabratula**
M. subaurifera
Micarea peliocarpa
Myelochroa aurulenta
Ochrolechia arborea
Parmelia sulcata
Parmotrema hypotropum
P. reticulatum
Phaeocalicium polyporaeum❖
Phaeophyscia pusilloides*
P. rubropulchra
Physcia americana
P. millegrana
P. stellaris
Physciella chloantha*
Physconia leucoleiptes
Punctelia caseana*
P. rudecta
Pyxine subcinerea
Sarea resinae❖
Segestria lectissima
Trapelia glebulosa
Trapeliopsis flexuosa
Usnea hirta*
Viridothelium virens
Xanthocarpia feracissima
Xanthomendoza weberi
Bryophytes of the 2018 Summer Foray in Wayne County
*New county record
Amblystegium varium
Anomodon attenuatus
Atrichum angustatum
Brachythecium acuminatum
B. falcatum*
B. laetum
B. plumosum
Bryhnia novae-angliae
Bryum caespiticium*
B. lisae var. cuspidatum*
B. pseudotriquetrum*
Calliergonella cuspidata*
C. lindbergii
Dicranum montanum
Drepanocladus aduncus
Euryhnchium pulchellum*
Helodium blandowii*
Hypnum curvifolium*
Leskea gracilescens
Orthotrichum anomalum*
O. ohioense*
Plagiomnium cuspidatum
Plagiothecium cavifolium
Platygyrium repens
Polytrichastrum ohioense*
Pylaisiadelpha tenurostris*
Rhizomnium punctatum
Rhynchostegium serrulatum
Sematophyllum adnatum*
Taxiphyllum deplanatum*
Thuidium delicatulum
Frullania eboracensis