Summer Foray to Goll Woods (Fulton County)
June 13, 2020

OMLA at Goll Woods. June 13, 2020.
The OMLA Summer Foray was held at Goll Woods State Nature Preserve in Fulton County. Goll Woods is a remnant of the original forest which once covered the Black Swamp region of northwestern Ohio. The woods contains impressive examples of old growth burr oak, chinquapin oak, white oak and shagbark hickory trees.
Fulton County has little topographical relief and is extensively farmed with only a few scattered woodlots. Habitat for lichens and bryophytes is sparse and not very diversified compared to other parts of Ohio. This is reflected by the records for this county. Only 19 species of macrolichens and no crustose species had been previously reported. The bryophyte flora was likewise poorly known with 47 species of moss and no liverworts recorded.
Most of the foray time was spent at Goll Woods but cemeteries in Pettisville were visited for different habitat and to add additional species records for Fulton County.
During this foray a total of 52 lichen species were recorded: 27 species of macrolichens and 25 crustose species; 46 of these were present in Goll Woods SNP. New records for Fulton County macrolichens totaled 20 while all of the crustose would be new, since to our knowledge, crustose had not been studied before.
According to the maps on the Ohio Moss and Lichen Association digital maps (, there were 47 species of mosses reported from Fulton County. On the June foray, an additional 11 new county records were added (N). Six species of liverworts were found. Previously, there were no liverworts reported from the county (H. A. Miller. 1964. Ohio Liverworts. Ohio J. Sci. 64: 177–184).
Lichens of the 2020 Spring Foray in Fulton County, Ohio
* = New county record (macrolichens only)
Locations: GW = Goll Woods, PC = Pettisville Cemeteries
Absconditella lignicola GW
Amandinea dakotensis GW
A. punctata GW
Anisomeridium polipori GW
Arthonia apatetica GW
A. granosa GW
A. pyrrhuliza GW
Berkleasmium conglobatum GW
Biatora vernalis GW
Candelaria concolor GW, PC
Candelariella efflorescens GW
Chrysothrix caesia GW
Cladonia ochrochlora* GW
Crespoa crozalsiana* GW
Flavoparmelia caperata GW, PC
Flavopunctelia flaventior* GW
F. soredica* GW
Graphis scripta GW
Hyperphyscia adglutinata* PC
Indoderma byssaceum GW
Lecania croatica GW
Lecanora strobilina GW
L. thysanophora GW
Lepraria caesiella GW
L. finkii GW
L. harrisiana GW
Lichenoconium erodens GW
Micarea prasina GW
Parmelia sulcata GW, PC
Parmotrema hypotropum* GW
P. reticulatum* PC
Phaeocalicium polyporaeum GW
Phaeophyscia ciliata* GW
P. hirsuta* PC
P. orbicularis* PC
P. pusilloides* GW, PC
P. rubropulchea* GW, PC
Physcia adscendens* PC
P. aipolia* GW
P. dubia* GW
P. millegrana GW, PC
P. phaea* PC
P. stellaris GW, PC
Physciella melanchra* GW
Physconia leucoleiptes* GW, PC
Punctelia missouriensis* GW, PC
P. rudecta GW, PC
Rinodina papillata GW
Scutellinia vitreola GW
Virdothelium virens GW
Xanthomendoza fallax* GW, PC
X. weberi* GW
Total: Goll Woods 46, Pettisville Cemeteries 17
Bryophytes of the 2020 Spring Foray in Fulton County, Ohio
* = New county record
Anomodon attenuatus
A. minor
Atrichum altecristatum
A. angustatum
A. crispulum
Brachythecium acuminatum*
B. campestre*
B. laetum
B. rivulare*
B. rotaeanum*
B. rutabulum
Bryum lisae var. cuspidatum
Callicladium haldanianum
Calliergonella curvifolia
C. lindbergii
Ceratodon purpureus
Claopodium rostratum
Climacium americanum*
Dicranella heteromalla
Entodon cladorrhizans*
E. seductrix
Haplocladium microphyllum
Fissidens taxifolius
Hygroamblystegium varium var. humile*
H. varium var. varium
Hypnum imponens
H. pallescens*
Leskea gracilescens
L. obscura*
Orthodicranum montanum
Orthotrichum stellatum*
Plagiomnium cuspidatum
Plagiothecium laetum
Platygyrium repens
Rhynchostegium serrulatum*
Tetraphis pellucida
Thuidium delicatulum
Cephalozia pleniceps*
Frullania eboracensis*
F. inflata*
Lophocolea heterophylla*
Nowellia curvifolia*
Porella platyphylla*