Summer Foray to Carroll County
July 16, 2016

OMLA at Carroll County. July 16, 2016
The 2016 summer foray was held in Carroll County, located in eastern Ohio. Carroll County is within the unglaciated Allegheny Plateau physiographic region, and the bedrock geology underlying the soils are of Pennsylvanian age. These rocks are primarily acidic sandstones, but coal, siltstones and limestones are intermixed.

OMLA at Carroll County July 16, 2016.

Lichenologists explore tree trunks in Carroll County. July 16, 20
Approximately 50% of the county is in farmland. Much of the forested area, and larger lakes, lie within the Muskingum The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD). The MWCD was formed in 1933 to reduce the effects of flooding of the tributaries of the Muskingum River. The land conserves water and land, and provides recreational opportunities. The MWCD granted OMLA permission to collect on its lands.

Tetraphis pellucida grows on stumps in woods.

Tetraphis pellucida produces asexual gemmae in cup-like rosettes of leaves atop many stems.
A total of 21 macrolichens were recorded during the Summer Foray. Of these, 11 were new for Carroll County (designated by N in the table below). The fruticose lichens, Evernia mesomorpha and Usnea strigosa, were seen on several fallen branches and tree tops. These species are becoming more common in Ohio due to improved air quality. One lichen, Bryoria furcellata, is rare and is discussed in an accompanying article in this issue.

Looking for liverworts in a sandstone boulder.

Crustose lichen Porpidia albocaerulescens and moss Anomodon attenuatus on rock in woods.

Porpidia albocaerulescens apothecia.
A total of 69 bryophytes (53 mosses and 16 liverworts) were collected from Carroll County. Prior to the summer foray, 27 mosses and no liverworts had been reported from the county. Taxa new to the county are indicated by an N in the list below. Thanks to contributions from Becky Smucker, the list of 16 liverworts reported from Carroll County rivals that of any Ohio county. All the liverworts are county records, and 42 of the 53 moss records are new to the county.
–Barb Andreas
For further information about this most excellent foray, look in Vol. 13 (2016) of the Association’s newsletter, OBELISK.
Lichens of the 2016 Summer Foray in Carroll County.
*New county record
Bryoria furcellata*
Candelaria concolor*
Cladonia coniocraea
C. macilenta
C. squamosa
Evernia mesomorpha*
Flavoparmelia baltimorensis*
F. caperata
Hypogymnia physodes*
Melanelixia subaurifera
Myelochroa aurulenta*
Parmelia sulcata
Parmotrema hypotropum*
P. stuppeum*
Phaeophyscia adiastola
P. pusilloides*
P. rubropulchra
Physcia millegrana
Punctelia caseana*
P. rudecta
Usnea strigosa*
Bryophytes of the 2016 Summer Foray in Carroll County.
*New county record
Anomodon attenuatus
A. tristis (Haplohymenium triste)*
Atrichum altecristatum*
A. angustatum
A. crispulum*
Aulacomnium heterostichum*
Brachythecium falcatum*
B. laetum
B. plumosum*
B. rivulare*
B. rutabulum*
Bryhnia graminicolor*
B. novae-angliae*
Bryoandersonia illecebra*
Bryum capillare*
Callicladium haldanianum
Climacium americanum*
Dicranella heteromalla*
Dicranum flagellare*
D. fulvum*
D. montanum*
D. scoparium
D. viride*
Ditrichum pusillum*
Entodon seductrix
Fissidens bryoides*
F. taxifolius*
Hygroamblystegium varium (Amblystegium varium)
Hypnum curvifolium*
H. imponens
Leskea gracilescens*
Leucobryum albidum*
L. glaucum
Mnium lycopodioides (M. ambiguum)*
Orthotrichum ohioense*
Oxyrrhynchium hians (Eurhynchium hians)*
Plagiomnium ciliare*
P. cuspidatum
Plagiothecium cavifolium*
P. laetum*
Platygyrium repens*
Polytrichastrum ohioense
Pseudotaxiphyllum distichaceum*
P. elegans*
Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostre*
Rhizomnium punctatum*
Rhodobryum ontariense*
Rhynchostegium serrulatum*
Syntrichia papillosa*
Taxiphyllum deplanatum*
Tetraphis pellucida*
Thuidium delicatulum*
Ulota crispa*
Blepharostoma trichophyllum*
Calypogeia muelleriana*
Cephalozia lunulifolia*
Cololejeunea biddlecomiae*
Conocephalum salebrosum*
Frullania eboracensis*
Geocalyx graveolens*
Lepidozia reptans*
Lophocolea heterophylla*
Nowellia curvifolia*
Pellia epiphylla*
Plagiochila porelloides (P. asplenioides)*
Plectocolea crenuliformis (Solenostoma crenuliformis) *
Porella platyphylloidea*
Scapania nemorea*
Trichocolea tomentella*