Field Key to Common Brown Foliose Lichens
1a Thallus very thin, tightly appressed lacking rhizines; lobes narrow, less than 0.5 mm wide (genus Hyperphyscia)………………………………. 2
1b Thallus of ordinary thickness; lobes greater than 0.5 mm wide……………………………………. 3
2a Soredia present; apothecia usually lacking………………………….. Hyperphyscia adglutinata
2b Soredia lacking; apothecia common and abundant………………….. Hyperphyscia syncolla

Hyperphyscia syncolla
3a Color deep olive-brown; cortex thin and fragile; thallus with tiny isidia clustered in soralialike groups……. Melanelixia subaurifera

Melanelexia subaurifera
3b Color light to dark chocolate brown; cortex of typical thickness; soredia, if present, powdery or coarse, but not tiny………………………………. 4
4a Medulla bright orange…………….. Phaeophyscia rubropulchra

Phaeophyscia rubropulchra
4b Medulla white………………………………………….. 5
5a Soredia lacking; apothecia common and abundant………………………………………………… 6
6a Rims of apothecia adorned with strap-shaped lobules……………………… Anaptychia palmulata

Anaptychia palmulata

The apothecia are like little fans or something.
6b Rims of apothecia smooth, lacking lobules………………………………….. Phaeophyscia ciliata

Phaeophyscia ciliata
5b Soredia present………………………………………… 6
6a Hairs projecting from lobe tips…. Phaeophyscia hirsuta
6b Hairs absent from lobe tips………………………… 7
7a Soralia headlike, on margins or small lateral lobes……………………. Phaeophyscia pusilloides

Phaeophyscia pusilloides
7b Soralia diffuse or linear…………… Phaeophyscia adiastola

Phaeophyscia adiastola