Field Key to Common Branched Fruticose Lichens
1a Thallus abundantly branched, forming tangled colonies on soil……………………………………….. 2
1b Thallus with one point of attachment, erect and bushlike…………………………………………………. 5
2a Surface of branches dull and fibrous, lacking a cortex…………………………………………………….. 3
2b Surface of branches shiny, corticate……………. 4
3a Thallus ashy white……….. Cladonia rangiferina
3b Thallus yellow-green………. Cladonia subtenuis
4a Brownish; squamules present on some branches (look at undersides of clumps)……………………………………….. Cladonia furcata
4b Yellow-green (usnic acid present); squamules completely lacking…………… Cladonia uncialis
5a Branches round in cross-section, with a solid central strand………………………………………….. 6
5b Branches flattened or angular, with a uniform interior…………………………………………………… 7
6a Trunk and branches sorediate-isidiate with numerous short side branches (papillae); apothecia lacking even in older specimens; inner portion of medulla pink to red……. Usnea mutabilis
6b Trunk and branches papillate but lacking soredia and isidia; apothecia present on older specimens…………………………… Usnea strigosa
7a Thallus flabby, the interior filled with webby hyphae………………………. Evernia mesomorpha
7b Thallus rigid……………………………………………. 8
8a Thallus without soredia or isidia, warty; bark substrate…………………….. Ramalina americana
8b Thallus with coarse, almost idisioid soredia; rock substrate……………… Ramalina intermedia