Rhynchostegium serrulatum
“dark beaked moss”

Rhynchostegium serrulatum along a woodland path in Delaware County, Ohio. November 25, 2014.

Rhynchostegium serrulatum along a woodland path in Delaware County, Ohio. November 25, 2014.

Rhynchostegium serrulatum leaves. Notice the sharp teeth and the twisted tips of the leaf.

Rhynchostegium serrulatum along a woodland path in Delaware County, Ohio. November 25, 2014.

Rhynchostegium sporophytes
How to recognize Rhynchostegium serrulatum: This moss often grows in very flattened or complanate mats on the ground. The single costa extends 1/2 to 2/3 of the length of the leaf, and there are teeth all around the margins of the leaf. The tip of the leaf is usually twisted, especially on the branch leaves. These features, which are obvious under the compound microscope, help distinguish it from Brachythecium, which it strongly resembles. It is often found with capsules, and if these still have their capsule lid or operculum the distinctive elongate tip helps to confirm that this is Rhynchostegium serrulatum. Without that feature the weakly differentiated alar cells and lack of leaf decurrencies, in addition to the obvious marginal teeth to the leaf base and twisted tip, help confirm the identification.
Where to find Rhynchostegium serrulatum: This moss is found on soil in wooded areas, and stream banks.