Philonotis marchica

Philonotis marchica at Greenville Falls State Nature Preserve. Miami County, Ohio. September 1, 2013.

Philonotis marchica leaf showing papillose cell ends.

Philonotis marchica at Deep Woods Preserve, Hocking County, Ohio. October 12, 2008.

Philonotis marchica at Deep Woods Preserve, Hocking County, Ohio. October 12, 2008.
How to recognize Philonotis marchica: This moss looks exactly like Philonotis fontana in the field, with reddish stems and dense rhizoids and similar leaf characteristics and capsules. But the protruding bump of the prorulose cells is at the top of the cells throughout the leaf.
Where to find Philonotis marchica: Look for this moss in places where Philonotis fontana is found, on rocks and soil, in wet places and seeps.