Mnium hornum
“lipstick thyme moss”
How to recognize lipstick thyme moss: Mnium hornum is an acrocarp (cushion moss) with moderately narrow, double-toothed leaves. The leaf cells are equal-sided (isodiametric) cells except along the leaf margins, which are marked by elongate cells. The leaves have a pronounced costa (midrib) that ends well below the leaf apex. All the other species of the double-toothed Mniums found in Ohio have a costa that extends to the leaf tip. Mnium used to be a much larger genus, but it has been divided into Plagiomnium with single teeth along the leaf margin, Rhizomnium without any teeth on the leaf margin, and Mnium with double teeth; the capsule of all of these “Mniums” is drooping. Mnium is pronounced as though there was no “M” in the word.
Where to find lipstick thyme moss: Mnium hornum is an acid-loving moss of moist rocks or soil. In Ohio, it is known from a few northeastern counties and two southern ones.