Brothera leana

Brothera leana on moist sandstone ledge in woods.
Jackson County, Ohio., Oct. 30, 2009.

Brothera leana on moist sandstone ledge in woods.
Jackson County, Ohio., Oct. 30, 2009.
How to recognize Brothera leana: Look for a little green mat usually with the base of the leaves hidden by a clusters of spindle-shaped brood leaves in the upper leaves of thee greenish tufts. The leaves are 1-3 mm long, and linear/lanceolate in shape, with a broad costa filling 1-2/3 of the leaf width at the base, and extending into the acumen. If the brood bodies are not present it resembles Leucobryum albidum. Sporophytes are not found in North America, so it only reproduces asexually via the brood bodies.
Where to find Brothera leana: This moss is found on humus or rotten wood, and rocks, especially sandstone in the eastern part of the United States, except for Gulf coast states.