Leskea gracilescens
“necklace chain moss”

Leskea gracilescens on tree along the Scioto River in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. December 3, 2012.

Leskea gracilescens on tree along the Scioto River in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. December 3, 2012.
How to recognize Leskea gracilescens: This is a little moss that grows on trees and looks like a mat of little dark green threads. The leaves are less than 1 mm long and are held close to the stem when dry but extend out when wet. They are ovate in shape or ovate-lanceolate with a single faint midrib, and the cells have a single papilla. These leaves are concave at the base and biplicate at the base with two tiny folds. The papillae are best seen under the compound scope by making a slide that includes branches. A series of tiny bumps can be seen along the backs of the leaves. This moss also has paraphyllia, which are little leaf-like or thread-like structures growing along the stem. They can be found by stripping off most of the leaves from the stem and scanning up and down the stem; they are usually scant in Ohio Leskea gracilescens, but can be found with persistent search. The capsules are cylindrical, 2-3 mm long, and fairly erect.
How to find Leskea gracilescens: It is found on tree bases in flood plains or along streams, and logs, and occasionally on rock.